On June 13, 2023, Secretary of Homeland Security Alexander Mayorkas announced the extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal, and Nicaragua for 18 months. The announcement further rescinded the 2017 and 2018 terminations of these designations by the Trump administration. Now, with the publication of official Federal Register notices stating the same, current beneficiaries of TPS may begin the re-registration process required to maintain their status after June 30, 2024. 

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) previously extended the validity of TPS-related documentation for current beneficiaries through June 30, 2024, to ensure continued compliance with court orders in the litigation challenging the now-rescinded termination decisions. This new re-registration is limited to individuals who previously registered for and were granted TPS under the prior designations of El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal and Nicaragua.

Individuals who arrived in the United States after the continuous residence dates for these designations are not eligible for TPS. The respective continuous residence dates are Feb. 13, 2001, for El Salvador; Dec. 30, 1998, for Honduras; June 24, 2015, for Nepal; and Dec. 30, 1998, for Nicaragua.

The decision to extend TPS comes after extensive review by DHS of country conditions in each location. Based on the Agency’s review, which includes input from the Department of State and other U.S. government agencies, Secretary Mayorkas determined that 18-month TPS extension is warranted for each country based on continuing environmental disasters and related social and political concerns. More detail on the conditions affecting each country can be found in the Federal Register notices.

If you are a citizen or habitual resident of El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal, or Nicaragua and believe you may be eligible to re-register for TPS, please contact Stephen Antwine, Esq. at Green & Spiegel for assistance at santwine@gands-us.com or (215) 395-8959

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