Last week, U.S. Practice Director and Managing Partner Jonathan Grode attended the Employment Rights & Responsibilities Committee Midwinter Meeting on Mar 19-23 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Labor and Employment Law Section Rights and Responsibilities (“ERR”) Committee of the American Bar Association focuses on resolving disputes between employers and ​workers. He moderated the Strategies for Counseling Clients in ICE Enforcement Actions session with Cathi Hunt and Chelsea Edwards. Together, they informed their audience on how labor and employment lawyers, as well as immigration law firms, can offer assistance to employers, unions, and workers when facing an ICE action. Since President Donald Trump has taken office, workplace enforcement actions by ICE has increased dramatically. The scope of workplace raids has also expanded beyond compliance with 1-9 regulations. With a more constricted visa processing system and escalated removal practices, it is a challenge for both foreign workers and their employers. Contact us with questions regarding employment immigration and to leverage our business expertise.

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