The Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (EMPP) was established to combine refugee resettlement and economic immigration to help skilled refugees immigrate to Canada through existing economic programs and to give employers access to a pool of qualified candidates.

On March 27, 2023, the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship announced that the EMPP would be improved to become a standalone pathway for permanent residence as soon as this summer. The Minister highlighted the importance of the program stating that the program would allow for economic opportunities for refugees and qualified displaced persons “not by chance, but by choice”.

The Minister indicated that the processing time for applications received for this program will be approximately six months and that there will be a referral program to assist employers. The Government of Canada’s purpose of improving this program is to overcome inevitable demographic trends. Specifically, the labour shortages that are expected to increase as the aging population retires from the work force.

The shortage of talent in this country has created an essential need for this type of program. The Minister noted that only 118 applicants have been processed through the current model of the EMPP. The improvement to the program will provide an opportunity for skilled workers who are displaced, to come to Canada as essential workers, without the quota of any other existing program, being affected.

The Minister noted that other countries are considering the implementation of this type of program, such as the United States, and that it will be in Canada’s best interest to combine aspects of an economic program with existing humanitarian guidelines to create this pathway. These improvements will not only assist vulnerable people who have been displaced, but also businesses in Canada with labour needs. The improvement of the EMPP pathway will allow communities to thrive and become more vibrant.

Follow us on LinkedIn as more details are to be released following the Minister’s announcement.

If you have more questions about the Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot, feel free to contact us.

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